Tuesday, October 2, 2012

2 October, 1662/1012

With Sir Wm. Pen by water to Whitehall, being this morning visited before I went out by my brother Tom, who told me that for his lying out of doors a day and a night my father had forbade him to come any more into his h

ouse, at which I was troubled, and did soundly chide him for doing so, and upon confessing his fault I told him I would speak to my father. At 7 Elephants I with Misters Andrews, Davis, Liebermann, and Frohip who debated the use/uselessness of musick and Presbyterian/deposed President a Woodrow Wilson while consuming scones and a dish or two of meat, and his purser that was with him. After dinner I and the my Wife to Atwood for a screening of The Band’s Visit, where I met with professor emeritus Myron Anderson who recently returned from Crosby & Ironton and was forced to wait Mrs. Sherarts while she registered her opinions with the eminent kino professor Costaglioli. After that to the Abbey to for vespers. There I found but a thin congregation already. So I see that religion, be it what it will, is but a humour,1 and so the esteem of it passeth as other things do. From thence to home and a new thermostat with which very well pleased we went to bed.

Dec. 28, 2007

Dec. 28, 2007
In the waning years of WW II, we were living in Rockville Center, Long Island, I was about 12 and dad was dying of a brain tumor. Mom said NYC was no place for a widow to bring up a child, so she packed us up and we took a train to her childhood home in Detroit Lakes Minnesota. That's where she met and married this widower. He was a clothing salesman and outdoorsman.

Dec. 27, 2007

Dec. 27, 2007
Hamburger at Petes Place

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